
Lis Supiatman S.Pd., M.Hum

Writing IV

Rp 50.000,.

Deskripsi Buku

Writing IV as the subject taken by the students at the fifith semester, plays animportant role in improving their writing skill. This book is presented in a communicative way and easily comprehended to encourage their English learning process. Furthermore, Writing IV Theory and Practice in Writing Genres assists the students to be trained in writing some genres in English. In addition, this book provides manyexamples that can also guide the students to write it.


Jumlah Halaman : 104 hal
Tanggal Terbit : -
ISBN : 978-602-6412-36-2
Bahasa : Inggris

Penerbit : CV. Gema Ihsani
Berat : 0.7 kg
Lebar : 15 cm
Panjang : 21 cm

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